Testing on multiple environments

Now that you have successfully configured the origin and URL-endpoint, it's time to test ImageKit.io. It is recommended that you test ImageKit.io on your staging or UAT environment before making changes in the live production application.

You should create a separate URL-endpoint for dev, stating/UAT, and production environment. This is critical for maintaining separate caches on CDN and ImageKit.io.

Example setup

Suppose, you are running a website https://www.example.com, and you have three different environments:

  1. Dev - accessible over http://dev.example.com (via host file entry) or http://localhost:8000/

  2. Staging - accessible over https://staging.example.com

  3. Production live website - https://www.example.com

We will add three origins in the ImageKit.io dashboard for these three environments. And configure three separate endpoints to access these origins.

💻 Testing on the local machine

Please note that your origin must be accessible over the internet for ImageKit.io to fetch images. You can use a tool like ngrok to make your dev site accessible over the internet.

Start ngrok in a command prompt with the same port number that you have configured for your server (e.g., ./ngrok http 8000). You should see information about your tunnel sessions such as status, expiration, and version. Take note of the Forwarding addresses (e.g., https://xxxxxxxx.ngrok.io -> localhost:8000) as this is required while adding the origin for dev.

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