AI-based auto-tagging

Automatically categorize and add tags to your images

You can add AI-generated tags (AITags) to your media library images using ImageKit's update and upload APIs. ImageKit leverages powerful label detection APIs by Google Cloud Vision and Amazon Rekognition provided through its extensions to automatically detect and add tags to your images.

How to use auto-tagging?

  1. While uploading a new image: During an upload API call, you must specify in the extensions parameter the name of the auto-tagging extension(s) to be used along with its minConfidence and maxTags parameters.\

  2. While updating an already existing image: You can add AITags to an existing image through an update API call. You must specify in the extensions parameter the name of the auto-tagging extension(s) to be used along with its minConfidence and maxTags parameters.

Extensions parameter for auto-tagging

The extensions parameter of both upload and update APIs takes an array of objects specifying the extensions to be used along with their parameters. Each object in this array is a self-contained block containing information about one single extension. This information includes the name of the extension and other parameters associated with that extension. The object for an auto-tagging extension will have the following fields:

Parameter nameTypeRequiredDescription




google-auto-tagging or aws-auto-tagging




Tags with a confidence value below this value will be discarded. Valid values are between 0 and 100.




Maximum number of tags to attach. If maxTags is 5, then only the top five tags returned from the API will be attached. Valid values are between 0 and 30.

Here's an example of an extensions parameter formation that will result in the execution of two different extensions - auto-tagging using Google Cloud Vision and Amazon Rekognition:

// Request body for an update/upload API call
    /* of the update/upload request parameters
    "extensions": [
            "name": "aws-auto-tagging",
            "minConfidence": 80, // only tags with a confidence value higher than 80% will be attached
            "maxTags": 10 // a maximum of 10 tags from aws will be attached
            "name": "google-auto-tagging",
            "minConfidence": 70, // only tags with a confidence value higher than 70% will be attached
            "maxTags": 10 // a maximum of 10 tags from google will be attached

Asynchronous behavior

Auto-tagging extensions may execute asynchronously, i.e., after your main update/upload call has successfully completed and you have received the response for it. However, auto-tagging extensions are first tried to be performed in sync. If performed synchronously, then the response of your upload/update API call will include the AITags field containing the newly generated tags. However, there is no guarantee that any extension will be performed synchronously. You can inspect the response field extensionStatus to identify the status of each extension in your request.

Response structure

If an update/upload API call includes a valid extensions field array with a non-zero length, then the response will include an extensionStatus field object, which will contain the status of each extension at the time of completion of the update/upload request. For auto-tagging extensions, the status has three possible values:

  • success: The extension has been successfully applied.

  • failed: The extension has failed and will not be retried.

  • pending: The extension will finish processing in some time. On completion, the final status (success/failure) will be sent to the webhookUrl provided.

The response for an API call with the above request body can look like this

// Response body for an update/upload API call
    /* of the update/upload response fields
    "AITags": [
            "name": "Shirt",
            "confidence": 90.12,
            "source": "google-auto-tagging"
        /* ... more googleVision tags ... */
    "extensionStatus": {
        "google-auto-tagging": "success",
        "aws-auto-tagging": "pending"

The AITags field is populated only because the google-auto-tagging extension executed synchronously i.e. it received a successresponse. The aws-auto-taggingextension has not yet completed execution and hence its tags are not included in this response.


You can include a webhookUrl parameter in your update/upload API calls. The final status of extensions after they have completed execution will be delivered to this endpoint as a POST request. The request body sent to this endpoint will look like the examples below.

To learn more about how webhooks works, refer this.

// A SUCCESS webhook request for a google auto-tagging extension
    "service": "google-auto-tagging",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "fileObject": {
        "fileId": "5effaa5662679b5af2c58829",
        "AITags": [
                "name": "Shirt",
                "confidence": 90.12,
                "source": "google-auto-tagging"
            /* ... more google-auto-tagging tags ... */
        ... rest of the fields in a file object
// A FAILURE webhook request for an aws auto-tagging extension
    "service": "aws-auto-tagging",
    "status": "FAILURE",
    "fileId": "5effaa5662679b5af2c58829",
    "error": {
        /* error description fields */


Let's apply the google-auto-tagging extension to the below image:

Using upload API to add AITags

curl -X POST "" \
-u your_private_api_key: \
-F 'file=@/Users/username/Desktop/cafe_picture.jpg;type=image/jpg' \
-F 'fileName=my_file_name.jpg'
-F 'extensions="[
      \"name\": \"google-auto-tagging\",
      \"minConfidence\": 50,
      \"maxTags\": 5
      \"name\": \"aws-auto-tagging\",
      \"minConfidence\": 50,
      \"maxTags\": 5


    "fileId" : "598821f949c0a938d57563bd",
    "name": "file1.jpg",
    "url": "",
    "thumbnailUrl": "",
    "height" : 300,
    "width" : 200",
    "size" : 83622,
    "filePath": "/images/products/file1.jpg",
    "AITags": [
            "name": "Teddy Bear",
            "confidence": 98.52,
            "source": "aws-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Toy",
            "confidence": 98.52,
            "source": "aws-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Sweets",
            "confidence": 77.84,
            "source": "aws-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Heart",
            "confidence": 61.19,
            "source": "aws-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Plush",
            "confidence": 56.64,
            "source": "aws-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Toy",
            "confidence": 91.73,
            "source": "google-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Teddy bear",
            "confidence": 83.52,
            "source": "google-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Red",
            "confidence": 81.77,
            "source": "google-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Stuffed toy",
            "confidence": 76.25,
            "source": "google-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Art",
            "confidence": 72.83,
            "source": "google-auto-tagging"
    "fileType": "image",
    "extensionStatus": {
        "google-auto-tagging": "success",
        "aws-auto-tagging": "success"


Using update API to add AITags

# The unique fileId of the uploaded file. fileId is returned in response of list files API and upload API.
curl -X PATCH "" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-u your_private_key: -d'
    "extensions": [ 
             "name": "google-auto-tagging",
             "minConfidence": 50, 
             "maxTags": 5
             "name": "aws-auto-tagging",
             "minConfidence": 50, 
             "maxTags": 5


    "fileId": "598821f949c0a938d57563bd",
    "type": "file",
    "name": "file1.jpg",
    "filePath": "/images/products/file1.jpg",
    "tags": null,
    "AITags": [
            "name": "Teddy Bear",
            "confidence": 98.52,
            "source": "aws-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Toy",
            "confidence": 98.52,
            "source": "aws-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Sweets",
            "confidence": 77.84,
            "source": "aws-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Heart",
            "confidence": 61.19,
            "source": "aws-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Plush",
            "confidence": 56.64,
            "source": "aws-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Toy",
            "confidence": 91.73,
            "source": "google-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Teddy bear",
            "confidence": 83.52,
            "source": "google-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Red",
            "confidence": 81.77,
            "source": "google-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Stuffed toy",
            "confidence": 76.25,
            "source": "google-auto-tagging"
            "name": "Art",
            "confidence": 72.83,
            "source": "google-auto-tagging"
    "isPrivateFile": false,
    "customCoordinates": null,
    "url": "",
    "thumbnail": "",
    "fileType": "image",
    "mime": "image/jpeg",
    "width": 100,
    "height": 100,
    "size": 100,
    "hasAlpha": false,
    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T06:14:41.313Z",
    "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T06:14:41.313Z",
    "extensionStatus": {
        "google-auto-tagging": "success",
        "aws-auto-tagging": "success"

Last updated