Share media collection

You can set the permission levels for restricted media library users and user groups and share a media collection with them. Moreover, you can view and manage access and permission levels for those media collections.

A user with "Can view" or higher permissions to a media collection can view all assets in that media collection, even if they don't have "Can view" permission on those assets. However, they can only modify those assets if they have also been directly shared with the users with "Can contribute" or "Can manage" permission.

Learn more about permissions and access sharing on media collection for restricted users here.

Select the media collection you want to share and click "Share" from the drop-down menu. You can take the following actions from the popup:

  • View information about currently shared permission levels and access.

  • Share the media collection with users and user groups and set their permission level.

  • Update the permission level of existing users and user groups.

  • Revoke access to the media collection for restricted media library users and user groups.

Last updated